I wanted to do some more North Shore pieces of art and this new one is titled “Witchtree Maiden”. This knarly conifer has watched the history of the lake from its spot growing right out of the rock on the edge of lake Superior. The tree is off limits to anyone who is not accompanied by a local American indian Ojibwe band member this to ensure it’s passage to watch over future generations.
It is called by the Ojibwe “Manidoo-giizhikens” or “Little Spirit Tree”. The earliest record of this tree is by the French explorer Sieur de la Verendrye in 1731 who commented on the tree as a mature tree at that time, making it at least 300 years old. Because it is held as sacred by the Ojibwe they still leave offerings of tobacco as the voyagers and their ancestors did hundreds of years ago to ensure a safe journey on Lake Superior.
If you look closely at this painting you may see a maiden watching over the lake. If interested in a signed print go the “Gunflint Series” category on my web site to purchase.