The Cat In the Straw
This “Cat In The Straw” is the first in a new series that will depict all kinds of events, people, animals and farm stuff that are part of everyday farm life. This will be a fun series and I intend to do twelve paintings in all.
This one depicts a Tabby cat in the barn that knows how to handle his area. You can tell by the look that he is all business and is reviewing the activities in the barn from his perch upon a bale of straw.
I also created a video to show the whole drawing/painting process it takes in creating this image. From initial sketch to finished acrylic painting this video uses time lapse so it only takes one minute to view the sketch process as well as the painting process.
This will soon be added to my website for sale along with the second of the series coming soon.
To view time lapse videos of this artwork, either follow this link, or scroll below for embedded videos.
Video 1: Concept Sketch
Video 2: Finished Painting