paintings abstract

JFK Portrait Painting

Published On: February 19th, 2011|Categories: JFK "Go Ahead Call Me a Liberal" Painting|

Here is the color version of JFK painting that was done mid summer of last year. It has quite a different look than the previous monochrome earlier JFK painting.

Now that I have finished the Reagan painting (see below) I will need at least two other presidents to finish the “President Series”. I have the third drawing on my table now and is being painted as I write this entry. I needed more coffee and a break.I may have to have five or six presidents in this series so watch here as I continue to paint. Someday I have to get back to state flags again. So much to paint so little time.

If you are interested in this print titled “JFK “Go Ahead Call Me A Liberal” please note it is a bigger size than most prints I do at 14″x20″ but it does have quite an impact when you walk into a room, very dramatic.

Prints of this signed limited edition series will be priced at $150.00. Email me at: and leave your contact information if you are interested in a print.