The Cat In the Straw
This "Cat In The Straw" is the first in a new series that will depict all kinds of events, people,
By Steve Berger|April 11th, 2014|Uncategorized|
This "Cat In The Straw" is the first in a new series that will depict all kinds of events, people,
By Steve Berger|April 11th, 2014|Uncategorized|
Well It has been a while writing on my blog but I am back to it for my new website
By Steve Berger|April 17th, 2012|Dawn In America an eagle awakens|
This painting is another idea I have been wanting to paint but just have not got around to it until
By Steve Berger|April 17th, 2012|Custer Rides a Harley Davison|
As long as we are on the Harley Davidson subject this painting needs a little explaining. If general George Armstrong
By Steve Berger|April 17th, 2012|Uncategorized|
I was paging through some Harley Davidson Brochures the other day and for what ever reason this image popped into
By Steve Berger|April 6th, 2012|Wonder Girl of Argyle Court|
The wonder girl of Argyle Court. What is she going to write about next? It could be a novel, short
By Steve Berger|April 6th, 2012|The Ironmen From Clinton St. Mary's|
This Painting was to incorporate a feeling more than things and objects it shows. The newspapers may be old but
By Steve Berger|March 23rd, 2012|William "The Conqueror" Cat|
This cat has so much attitude it deserves to have a portrait done of it. Like all kings there are
By Steve Berger|March 23rd, 2012|Everythings Kosher Painting|
This was just a fun painting to do. Something off the track a little bit. After a few landscapes it
By Steve Berger|March 23rd, 2012|Chevy 283 Art|
The finest car engine Chevy ever made. That is my personal opinion. The small block was the beginning of all
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