Fine Art Paintings That Tell Stories

Welcome to Berger Fine Arts: Where Art Meets Poetry

Step into the world of Steve Berger, a distinguished artist, calligrapher, writer, and creative visionary with over four decades of experience. Berger Fine Arts invites you to explore the extraordinary blend of talents that define Steve’s unique approach to art. His journey is a captivating fusion of visual and literary art, where each brushstroke and every word carries profound meaning and emotion.

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New Book Announcement

New Book Of Poems & Art

Buy Now For $25.00. Just Hit The Shop Now Button

.This soft-bound book features close to sixty original pieces, with an attached poem created specifically for each piece shown. As Mr. Berger paints, the story of each piece of art is in his head and this is a way to see and read the ideas behind each painting and what the work is trying to communicate. This one of a kind book makes a great gift for any art collector. Prints can be also ordered from favorite poems in the book by email at:

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New Art For This Month

Allow us to introduce this month’s art collection at Berger Fine Arts. As we transition into a new month, we are delighted to present a fresh ensemble of captivating works by Steve Berger. Get caught up in the art, stories and emotions woven into these brand-new creations. .

More Playing With Type

This is another example of custom type. I was asked to customize this very unique leather case that holds an antique compass with the owners name. Had to come up with a type face that would match the item. Fun project.

Northern Lights

WIth all the recent excitement of seeing the northern lights, I came up with this version. It features a very starry night and house with one light on. There is also a large bear by the corner of the house. Just a pure fun painting experimenting with a very simple look and color pallet. This original acrylic is 12″x16″

Art Categories

Step into the world of art at Berger Fine Arts and explore a wide array of captivating art categories that cater to every taste and style. Our collection spans various genres and themes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Whether you’re drawn to scenic landscapes, calligraphy, or realistic portraits our art categories offer a rich tapestry of choices. With each category, you embark on a unique journey, uncovering the creativity and imagination that define Steve Berger’s artistry. Explore our art categories and find the perfect piece that resonates with your soul.

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