wall art painting

Custer’s Last Cavalry Charge Painting

Published On: June 13th, 2010|Categories: Custers Last Charge|

This is another painting about the events at Little Big Horn in 1876. There will be one more painting in this series that I have finished and will post later today. This will complete the set at four paintings. This painting is titled “The last Charge of the Seventh Cavalry”. Image size is roughly 22″x 38″ and was purposely painted with a darker sky and images than the other paintings of the series. I wanted this painting to convey a feeling of static energy being poured into an abyss of history. Whew that is statement that needs to be looked at again. At any rate watch for the last painting of the series. Giclees of this print on canvas will be offered at $250.00 each with artists remarked touches.