original artworks

October “63 Expose” Art Show

Published On: November 27th, 2018|Categories: Uncategorized|

On October this year I had my first large show of 63 pieces of acrylic art. The location was at the “Wicked Wort” micro brewery in Robbinsdale where refreshments and food were served along with music, videos, lively conversation and of course the two series of original art featured. The series were “The North” featuring boundary water pieces and “The Farm” featuring midwest rural scenes.

The setting was absolutely perfect and was well very attended.  The lower level space where the event was set up was exclusive and large enough for people to walk, step back, converse and really
view the art in a setting that was stunning and lit perfectly. We hope to have another Spring event at the same location. Times and dates of the Spring event are being firmed up now. Watch your email.